Pedro Rodriguez

Research Scientist in Natural Language Processing


Hi and thank you for your interest in reaching out to me! To save us both time, I've briefly described the kind of job opportunities/requirements that interest me. If the job you have matches these, then feel free to reach out to me, and I'll do my best to give a prompt reply. If the job you have doesn't match then feel free to contact me, but don't expect a reply; perhaps sometime in the future my job requirements change, and I'll reach out to you.

Contacting Me

  • You must provide details on the role and responsibilities for the job through email before I will chat over phone. If the role was never going to be a good fit then this save us both 10-20 minutes.
  • Do not call me before emailing role information.
  • If it is obvious you have not read my website or CV/Resume, I will ignore you message.

Role and Responsibilities

  • The role should be predominantly about fundamental research.
  • The role should not primarily about software engineering or product development.
  • I am primarily interested in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning research.
  • I must be able to publish research at top-tier computer science conferences (e.g., ACL). This should be part of the job responsibilities and/or a valued contribution. This is non-negotiable.

Geographic Location

  • I strongly prioritize geographic locations where I can enjoy the outdoor activities I love: skiing, rock climbing, and hiking.
  • Thus, ideally the role should be in the pacific northwest, west coast, or rocky mountain regions of the United States (e.g., Seattle, Bay Area, Denver etc.).
  • Something should be truly exceptional about the job for me to move somewhere where enjoying my outdoors interests is difficult (e.g., NYC or DC).
  • I might entertain international positions depending on details. For example, I've lived in Zurich, Switzerland and loved my time there; I'd strongly consider opportunities in places like that.


  • I am not interested in fixed term contract jobs.