The topic of how to create and maintain reproducible experiments has come up a few times recently. I've previously discussed ways to do reproducible hyper parameter sweeps and as part of that briefly discussed using anaconda environments. This (short) post elaborates on that with what I've learned since then. I'll break this into two parts: (1) how to manage python installations and (2) how to manage python packages. The first part will discuss how to actually install python and specify which version of python to use. The second part will discuss how to define python package versions, assuming the specified python version is active.
Managing Python Installations
When using python, it is extremely desirable to separate the python system-wide installation from the installation used by your experimental code.
Mixing these to leads to a bad time for various reasons and should be avoided.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to use Anaconda python or its minimal cousin miniconda.
Installing in both cases is as easy as downloading the binary, running bash
, and following the instructions.
After this, for every project you should run a command like:
# Create a new environment
conda create -n mynewenv python=3.9
# When working on project code, activate it
conda activate mynewenv
This will let you install packages in that environment without affecting the system python installation or any other installation. It also makes it incredibly easy to use different python versions for each experiment (e.g., some older code might require older python versions, while newer code requires newer versions). Let's move to defining python package dependencies now.
Managing Python Packages
Generally speaking, I've found three ways to manage python package versions:
- Using Python Poetry
- Using a hand-crafted conda
or piprequirements.txt
file - Using
pip freeze
orconda list --export
to generaterequirements.txt
(or the conda equivalent).
Before discussing why I think poetry is the best option, let's take a step back and outline what we need a package management system to do:
- It should be easy to fully reproduce an experiment, down to exact package versions, whether that is tomorrow or in three years.
- It should be easy to add a package as a dependency
- It should be easy to upgrade package versions
The main problem with solution (2) is that it does not define transitive dependencies, and it is very easy to under-specify required packages. This is the main reason I avoid this solution in most cases.
The problem with solution (3) is that nothing distinguishes direct project dependencies from transitive dependencies.
Because of this, it is difficult to upgrade package versions.
This also becomes a problem when adding a package that requires the transitive dependency of a direct project dependency to be upgraded.
Since there is no version solver in this case, you have to resolve this manually.
Here is one concrete example: suppose you have package A
which transitively depends on B=1.0.*
; then you add C
which transitively depends on B>1.0.0,B=1.0.*
For this reason I prefer poetry. A poetry configuration will add direct dependencies to pyproject.toml
and define a complete, exhaustive dependency list in poetry.lock
This site uses this pyproject.toml
for example:
python = "^3.8"
pelican = "^4.7.2"
pygments = "2.7.4"
typogrify = "2.0.7"
markdown = "3.1.1"
webassets = "0.12.1"
cssmin = "0.2.0"
bibtexparser = "^1.1"
nbconvert = "^5.6.1"
rich = "^10.7.0"
ipython = "^7.13.0"
ipython_genutils = "^0.2.0"
pelican-jupyter = "^0.10.1"
contextfilter = "^0.3.0"
jinja2 = "3.0.3"
pelican-render-math = "^1.0.3"
black = "^19.10b0"
pylint = "^2.4.4"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
You get best of both worlds, plus an easy way to manage dependencies.
As an added bonus, you get some other nice things like easy ability to poetry publish
to pypi.
I'll wrap up with a summary of the development flow.
The Development Flow
- Create a conda environment like
conda create -n project python=3.9
- Activate the environment like
conda activate project
- Initiate poetry (one-time)
poetry init
- (To Add Packages):
poetry add packagename
- (To Upgrade Packages):
poetry update
- (To Install everything, e.g., a fresh environment):
poetry install
- Commit both
to git.
The one last thing I'll mention, is that sometimes there are dependencies that are not pip
installable for various reasons.
In this case, I resort to a manually and carefully updated conda environment file or documentation.
There are two main cases I've run into this for.
First, the main package I do this for is altair
which for rendering to PDF requires vega-lite which requires vega which requires the node stack.
In this specific case, I start out with conda install -c conda-forge vega-cli vega-lite-cli
then figure out what the current version of packages is to pin to.
The second case is needing a specific version of cuda
, which you can also specify with conda, but can't with pip
Thanks and happy packaging!
A few alternatives I've seen:
- pip-compile: Have not tried, but know someone who likes it.
- Pipenv: Tried this one time, didn't mesh with my mental model.
Another situation I often find needing to manage changing code is:
- Code lives in an NFS directory, e.g., on a slurm cluster.
- I am editing code directly on NFS (e.g., via VS Code Remote Plugin), but am also running experiments on the cluster at the same time.
- So a change while I am editing code could crash or change the behavior of a previously launched experiment.
The only real solution to this is to create a snapshot of the code and having the running experiments use that snapshot.
A while back I created a script to help do exactly this transparently, feel free to steal/adapt for your use case.
In ironic contrast to this post, I simply have its dependencies installed in my base system python...
I saved this as snapshot
, installed typer
and rich
, and put it in my path:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from typing import Optional, List
from pathlib import Path
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import os
import typer
from rich.console import Console
console = Console()
def main(
command: str,
exclude: List[str] = None,
# CHANGE ME: To where you want to save experiments to.
base_dir: str = "/checkpoint",
experiment_id: Optional[str] = None,
dry_run: bool = False,
This tool helps isolate experiments on NFS by:
1. Copying the contents of the current directory to another one, keyed either randomly or using a given identifier
2. Changing the current directory to that new directory
3. Executing the given command in the new directory
For example, you can run:
$ snapshot --experiment-id 42 'echo "my awesome experiment"'
if dry_run:
console.log("Running in dry run mode, no changes will be made")
current_dir = os.getcwd()
if experiment_id is None:
experiment_id = random.randint(200_000, 300_000)
experiment_dir = Path(base_dir) / f"experiment_{experiment_id}"
if experiment_dir.exists():
console.log("Experiment code dir exists, deleting before copying")
console.log(f"Excluding: {exclude} for Copying: {current_dir} to {experiment_dir}")
if not dry_run:
if exclude is None:
current_dir, experiment_dir,
current_dir, experiment_dir, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(*exclude)
console.log(f"Running: {command} from {os.getcwd()}")
if not dry_run:, shell=True, check=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":